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New Guns & butter, just like Before.
Afgh, Iraq - I think the droids are currently quiet about the obv planned foray into Iran, given the bad shit of every day's 'news' - I could be quite wrong about what 'quiet' means.. but,

All this crap is tied together; just like the Ashleigh Brilliant quip!

LBJ said we could have both [too]. Remember Vietnam? (I mean of course - the whole enchilada-with fallout during, after - and through today: that massive scam isn't out of our System yet.)

Shrub wouldn't dare try even once, to address the matters in this NYT article! VS the utterly unFaced, officially unFunded expenses of the Warfare State, the cost of the new Plutonium fab (and what he plans to Do with those New Nukes).

Add-in the matter of the States' shortfall -what this article is about- exacerbating the Fed shortfall = add More to the already $500B deficit for One Year. Econ majors? Why So Quiet, Repos? - this is about Your God: [$$$]

Trouble is - it isn't even just the current .edu disintegration, palpable over even a year's span - if we believe this reporter's samples. My friend in Ohio has massive debt from several years ago, got her Masters [the PhD would have been BankruptCity]:

She can use only a fraction of her expertise in current job..
(Unclear how this Damocles sword shall impact her next few years, when the Interest-clock starts ticking unstoppably. I dread asking that one.) Now extrapolate her Albatross to the Larger one these students are describing!

yada yada - as re IT in Jobs forum.

NONE of the (main) meeja has the guts to begin listing the extent of DETERIORATION across many areas of Murican life: since we got this rabid bunch of Neconmen. None will ever recall Shrub's BS about The EdjaKayShun President either: unless his name were Clinton. More silence.

Blame it on 9/11 - NOT on our knee-jerk overreaction into visceral Madness.

Fact is, we cannot AFFORD to support the Megalomanic Style of Bullyness we've bitten off: NOBODY wants to "pitch-in" and help rebuild Iraq! - and apparently not only because the US insists upon sole control of all decisions..
(and who can forget the pissy anti-French and everybody-else excesses.. as might just possibly affect one's desire to Help?)

Most seem to agree that only the UN should oversee, IF they are expected to help. And if UN doesn't, and pretty soon -?- then more troops / conscripts?? shall be required. Believe this Cabal would mortgage the entire Treasury before bugging-out. It'd be a Religious Thing. Far-Rightful to behold.

Ergo: Impasse.

(And I betch ya could drop Another $500B easily) - essentially rebuilding All the infrastructure in Iraq! which Sadaam never maintained either.. er
HASTE makes umm WASTE, to coin a phrase.

Can we really last til '94 at the present rate of $-haemorrhage, job loss and such {sans er turmoil?}


Now WTF was marlowe's "Its a Quagmire!" loony tunes cartoon? Again..
New Re: loony tunes cartoon?

"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." -- last words of Pancho Villa (1877-1923)
     Fair and balanced "economic competitiveness" - (deSitter) - (3)
         Guns & butter, just like Before. - (Ashton) - (1)
             Re: loony tunes cartoon? - (a6l6e6x)
         just "business as usual" - (lincoln)

41 ms