Jung's archetypes explore the recurrent theme from our reptile-stage brains - the womb; we were born in water! Saline, too.. hmmm.

Do ya suppose -

(Present also in all those dreams, D'Oh! but chicken-boy Freud wasn't into more than silly data-taking; enough to screw up generations with his simplistic tripe and his spin on his clients' simply truthful reports: completely missing the Point of his clients' revelations of actual events, not "wishful thinking".[1] Missed on purpose; so he could retain his 'position' of Importance.


[1] [actually eliding.. from first 'reports'] It is by now close-enough confirmed that he was ~ aware of the prevalence of family incestual behaviour in his times. Victorian England's Puritannical surface misled only the terminally naive. And Freud played along so as not to piss off his 'colleagues' with a small opening of Uncomfortable truth. Coward. PHB-mindset IMO.