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Don Richards

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News Picks Peter, you live near London? - (DonRichards) - (7)
Open Not this week - (DonRichards)
Sportsball Now that's an Olympic event I'd pay to see - (DonRichards)
Oh, Pun! A collection of math type jokes - (DonRichards) - (2)
Open Ashton, I think you'll like this. - (DonRichards) - (3)
Open Webex - (DonRichards)
Politics Agree except for one point - (DonRichards) - (1)
Science Then it should be called the Fine Structure Variable -NT - (DonRichards)
Windows vX.X Plan ahead - (DonRichards) - (1)
Patent Wars and Antitrust MS to court "Please to wait while we delay" - (DonRichards)
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Internet Face Stuff!
140 ms