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Greg Careaga

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Open 13/14 - (gcareaga) - (3)
Epicuria and Health Re: How totally offensive to Ayn Rand Libertarians. - (gcareaga)
Epicuria and Health Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia - (gcareaga)
Epicuria and Health Where are the studies about alcohol? - (gcareaga) - (2)
Epicuria and Health Re: The elder parent - (gcareaga) - (2)
Arts and Entertainment Winter is coming -NT - (gcareaga)
Arts and Entertainment GRRM needs an editor - (gcareaga) - (12)
Arts and Entertainment Slate - (gcareaga)
Open Re: Two commercials - (gcareaga)
Science Just 40 more years - (gcareaga) - (2)
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Dutch man on the mizzen mast!
68 ms