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Now viewing page 143 of 703
Epicuria and Health Yup, Kenmore Heavy Duty - (crazy)
Linux 1st post from new old laptop - (crazy)
Linux Whee. I missed tech - (crazy) - (2)
Linux Getting there - (crazy) - (1)
Epicuria and Health Chest freezer temp question - (crazy) - (5)
Linux Just joined via meetup - (crazy)
Linux You use the term differently than I do - (crazy) - (1)
Oh, Pun! Untrue, it's my goto -NT - (crazy)
Linux Actually, I didn't - (crazy) - (3)
Linux That was my response. - (crazy) - (5)
Now viewing page 143 of 703

There are 178 parent languages on our planet, with over 1000 dialects. It's amazing we communicate at all.
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