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Flame Quarantine It is SPEECH dammit, not SPEACH -NT - (altmann) - (40)
Security B aseline S ecurity A nalyzer - Hmmm. - (altmann) - (1)
Windows vX.X Re: Hmmmmm. - (altmann) - (1)
Windows vX.X Registry Diving - (altmann) - (3)
Patent Wars and Antitrust Redistributable code - (altmann)
Patent Wars and Antitrust More Anti-GPL (and LGPL, Artistic, MPL,Apache) License terms - (altmann) - (3)
Oh, Pun! Reminds me of one of The Onion's Easter Cards - (altmann) - (1)
Windows vX.X 6.0 Only :( - (altmann) - (3)
Regional/World Conflict The Demonstration Mentioned In That Article - (altmann) - (1)
Open Persionally, I don't see what all the uproar is about. - (altmann) - (1)
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Barnaby Jones?
167 ms