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Steven A S
Steven Shuster

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The Water Cooler Still wondering who #14 is - (Steven A S) - (4)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics Re: OT - your picture - (Steven A S) - (1)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics Another possibility... - (Steven A S) - (4)
Science I have to argue that point - (Steven A S) - (1)
The Water Cooler Re: Depends on your tolerance - (Steven A S)
News Picks Ockham tells you he is the most likely to have done it. - (Steven A S) - (1)
The Water Cooler Not a fear of the cold - (Steven A S)
The Water Cooler I guess if I have to explain the joke - (Steven A S)
The Water Cooler Naw... - (Steven A S) - (7)
The Water Cooler Just my own, - (Steven A S) - (9)
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Only you would go for the plague.
156 ms