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Carl Forde

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The Water Cooler new tramp - (cforde) - (2)
Jobs congrats++ -NT - (cforde)
The Water Cooler my condolences -NT - (cforde)
The Water Cooler behold the lowly tortoise... - (cforde) - (1)
The Water Cooler re: your opportunities for service enhancement: - (cforde)
The Water Cooler yeah, that's what I'll do... - (cforde)
The Water Cooler don't look now, but your age is showing - (cforde) - (3)
Epicuria and Health good for you -NT - (cforde)
The Water Cooler Slashdot redesign - (cforde) - (20)
The Water Cooler sounds like the CSS support is suspect - (cforde)
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Egged on by rogue sentient trees, some of them do wish it.
192 ms