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Carl Forde

Now viewing page 105 of 131
Open prince of the forest - (cforde) - (2)
Open so, what you're saying is - (cforde)
Linux well done Doctor. -NT - (cforde)
News Picks what ever happened to - (cforde) - (5)
The Water Cooler photo - (cforde)
The Water Cooler what works - (cforde)
The Water Cooler back at the ranch - (cforde) - (11)
The Water Cooler ah, so the paper work is done then... - (cforde)
The Water Cooler high-res monitors - (cforde) - (1)
The Water Cooler Re: Opera 6 at 1280. - (cforde) - (2)
Now viewing page 105 of 131

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
277 ms