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Christopher B.

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Regional/World Conflict Domestic anthrax? - (cwbrenn) - (3)
Regional/World Conflict what's with all this Colin Powell stuff? - (cwbrenn) - (2)
Open Lying. Bill knows. - (cwbrenn)
Regional/World Conflict well... - (cwbrenn) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict If that's the choice we should disappear - (cwbrenn) - (2)
Regional/World Conflict Christ almighty, that article pissed me off - (cwbrenn) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict Sorry about that. - (cwbrenn)
Regional/World Conflict Yeah, don't worry about it. - (cwbrenn) - (2)
Regional/World Conflict Exactly. - (cwbrenn)
Open Yep, that would be a Bad American -NT - (cwbrenn)
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I don't know who thought this up, but it certainly wasn't a bird.
122 ms