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Open he is matching your life rythms - (boxley)
Politics kinda like the arcade game "whack a mole" - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict wayward missile brings down russian jet - (boxley) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict you want to make your own heroin? :) -NT - (boxley)
News Picks here is a link - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict Never saw that one, will pick it up. Thanx -NT - (boxley)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics gladly ripped off idea couldnt remember who to - (boxley)
Open you mean optimise the OS for a RDMS? - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict whats yer point? - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict since the old hands left CIA none State none NSA Feebs none - (boxley)
Now viewing page 4,471 of 4,562

I couldn't find my socks this morning, so I dialed information.
6,320 ms