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Regional/World Conflict Yes I knew that but the article doesnt support - (boxley) - (1)
Linux I bet when ya get off the John - (boxley)
Hardware take off cover of old keyboard squirt with dish soap - (boxley) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict sure check out the oreilly cover :) or - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict read Bruce Catton extensively -NT - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict Our friends the pathan - (boxley)
Politics The folks on the strreets prolly arnt but - (boxley) - (7)
Regional/World Conflict links? proves? -NT - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict heh, heh, that picture of Omar sure reminds me of the image - (boxley)
Regional/World Conflict The only problem with your distribution model - (boxley)
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