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Sven Coenye

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Theory and Practice of Programming Pretty much. The more likely target is e-mail (URLs, attachment names, ...) -NT - (scoenye)
Theory and Practice of Programming If a GUI honors it but the compiler does not - (scoenye) - (2)
Theory and Practice of Programming Not quite new - (scoenye)
Security Soon: 25 to life for possession of an F12 key -NT - (scoenye)
Epicuria and Health Time is important too - (scoenye)
News Picks But they saved 20% of a sysadmin - (scoenye)
Science Stop the leak - if you can (dare?)... - (scoenye) - (1)
Open Iwethey handle at compaqnet.be -NT - (scoenye)
Science Internet coincidence - (scoenye) - (6)
Open Local contractors/electricians? - (scoenye) - (3)
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Better get a sitter for the kids and spend our waning hours dry-humping amongst a bunch of stalagtites.
324 ms