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Sven Coenye

Now viewing page 105 of 237
Theory and Practice of Programming The only way I can reproduce is if the cell contains a string - (scoenye) - (3)
Theory and Practice of Programming How do you export/import? - (scoenye) - (1)
Open On the shenanigans of the Deep State - (scoenye) - (2)
Windows vX.X Uncertain - (scoenye) - (1)
Windows vX.X And even better... - (scoenye) - (5)
Windows vX.X Latest - (scoenye) - (2)
Windows vX.X I'd make sure it doesn't touch anything useful - (scoenye) - (10)
Politics There is a difference? -NT - (scoenye) - (1)
Open Not according to the device administrator API - (scoenye)
Open Agreed on that, but it is not spying. -NT - (scoenye) - (3)
Now viewing page 105 of 237

And three Venezuelan llamas!
554 ms