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Robert Brewer

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Flame Quarantine Are you serious or just venting? - (tseliot) - (2)
Reviews Okay, I have time for more detail now - (tseliot) - (15)
News Picks And they *still* spout this crap - (tseliot)
Reviews The nice thing about Exim - (tseliot)
Arts and Entertainment I think you mean "uncross" more. -NT - (tseliot)
Reviews Sounds like you're screwed. - (tseliot) - (18)
Theory and Practice of Programming My 2nd favorite song, Thane. Knew you were cool... :) -NT - (tseliot) - (1)
Databases As Petah said... - (tseliot)
Arts and Entertainment re:sickness. I discovered the other day... - (tseliot)
Hardware Just A Quick Note From My Sanyo SCP-5300 - (tseliot)
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Hello, boys and girls! Here we are in Romper Room school again!
269 ms