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Ashton Brown

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Politics A counter-Tenor role, perhaps? "Let me not to the marriage of true minds .... admit impediments". -NT - (Ashton)
Politics Time-lines re WH Super-spreaders.. for those dotting-the-i's [Edit to orig. Source] - (Ashton) - (2)
Politics Something awry at that addy; changed to likely (their source) - (Ashton)
Open Seems right; the above just fleshes it out. -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
Politics The Contrast of these few minutes with Now, drives home just ..Everything. -NT - (Ashton)
Open Alex: curious.. - (Ashton) - (3)
Climate Change Good Point.. though there might have been a Gotcha! with CH-4 - (Ashton)
News Picks Poliitization of US Courts ..a brief history (not to say, 'solution'') step-by-step. - (Ashton)
Arts and Entertainment *cough* Indeed. - (Ashton)
News Picks G-Zero: Economist's Chief Ed. examines US/China--as we speak. Not-boring, Timely == and Good. -NT - (Ashton)
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Your entire eulogy was just your bartender telling a coroner, "Yeah, I think that's Britney."
3,680 ms