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Epicuria and Health It's the sheep brains - (mhuber) - (5)
Money, Financials, and Economics I still think my simple, faith-based solution would work - (mhuber)
Politics My heart bleeds for you - (mhuber)
Oh, Pun! I think it might, possibly. -NT - (mhuber)
Open Obesity MINUS diabetes - (mhuber) - (4)
Open No way! Play the part all the way. No skimping on costume. - (mhuber)
Epicuria and Health My baby brother - (mhuber)
Epicuria and Health Not all that tight - (mhuber) - (8)
Epicuria and Health Quick, basic dinner: salmon salad - (mhuber) - (10)
Open DMV here in Milwaukee - (mhuber) - (2)
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This looks like the output of a Markov bot that's been fed bus timetables from a city where the buses crash constantly.
243 ms