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Politics I've found Ashton's counterpart! - (marlowe) - (1)
Politics Guardian: More generals dislike Wesley Clark - (marlowe) - (2)
Politics One huge problem with your plan. - (marlowe) - (5)
Regional/World Conflict Targetting the CIA at Baghdad. - (marlowe)
Regional/World Conflict So what have you got in your wallet? - (marlowe)
Regional/World Conflict Hitchens interviews Khomenei's grandson - (marlowe)
Regional/World Conflict And we know who did it: a bunch of soldiers - (marlowe) - (10)
Regional/World Conflict So what's the definition of "astroturf' again? - (marlowe) - (7)
Regional/World Conflict "The Palestinian People" is a grandfaloon at best. - (marlowe)
Regional/World Conflict AP via Fox: they carry ID cards! - (marlowe) - (2)
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Like one meaning some, and zero meaning nothing.
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