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Politics Ya trolling for something? - (screamer) - (37)
Politics It's a love fest then... - (screamer)
Regional/World Conflict I have a simple solution... - (screamer)
Politics After a long pause, my reply... - (screamer) - (3)
Politics Fair enough... Now I understand... - (screamer)
Politics Bravo! - (screamer)
Politics Knock, knock... - (screamer) - (2)
Politics Remember Milken? S&L? China? ETC... - (screamer) - (3)
Politics RE: NKING - The Flat Tax will never work... - (screamer)
Regional/World Conflict It makes me feel all warm inside... - (screamer)
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...introduce an "if", and you're down the slippery slope. You add "for", and it's an avalanche. Then the "while" falls on you, and you're buried.
37 ms