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Brian Bronson

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Windows vX.X I had seen both of those, don't think they apply - (bbronson)
Windows vX.X Wonderful contradictory MSDN - (bbronson) - (4)
Windows vX.X How can I add support for UTF-16 encoding to Winders... - (bbronson) - (6)
Databases Re: Function of the connection? - (bbronson) - (2)
Databases MS SQL Server 7.0 timeout settings question - (bbronson) - (4)
General Q&A Start with the report expert - (bbronson)
Jobs Check out the job shops, too - (bbronson)
Windows vX.X You won't get very far in this forum with that attitude ;-) - (bbronson)
News Picks Spoken like a true M$ hack - (bbronson) - (7)
Internet Hmmm, interesting - (bbronson)
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It's Microsoft clearly boiling the frogs...
108 ms