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Brian Bronson

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Internet Re: The short list I gave management last year - (bbronson) - (2)
Internet J2EE vs .Net - Urgent help needed - (bbronson) - (8)
Politics I figured you just REALLY wanted to make your point! -NT - (bbronson)
Politics The winner's better than the butthead he's replacing - (bbronson)
Open And halitosis -NT - (bbronson) - (1)
Politics Actually, editorials aren't that new at all - (bbronson) - (1)
Politics So? Talk radio is opinion, not news -NT - (bbronson) - (4)
Politics The medical term for that is CRIS... - (bbronson)
Politics ROFLMAO, part II - (bbronson)
News Picks Federal judge: Pledge of Allegiance violates US Constitution - (bbronson) - (43)
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A load of old toss.
82 ms