"Don't Crush That Dwarf" plus some Music Store stats
was the album my older brother used to introduce me to the FT.
Hence it's canonical status for me.
Add to that the fact that I haven't heard any Firesign Theatre for at least ten years.
They actually have some tracks from HCYBITPAOWYNAAA available and I picked them up after a quick preview, so I'm not a totally lost soul.
On an interesting note, per [link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/30511.html|the Reg], Apple sold *275,000* tracks during the first 18 hours of operation of the Music Store.
This may seem like peanuts compared to Kazaa or Limewire, but consider two things:
1. Kazaa and Limewire mostly consist of porn these days, not music.
2. People actually *paid* for the Apple tracks.
I think this is a good indication of pent-up demand.
Tom Sinclair
"Man, I love it when the complete absence of a plan comes together."
- [link|http://radio.weblogs.com/0104634/|Ernie the Attorney]