Nor is the concept owned by Islam. The 'esoteric' circles of most religions simply choose different names for the idea - you cannot 'act wisely' until you have won the internal war of opposites, caused by your ignorance of (say) 'what it is, you are', and might become. Etc.

Ditto Good/Evil - not merely "in the eye of the beholder", but ideas of such huge scale - almost no homo-sap ever can get it right (and ever ends up, settling for jingoistic 'Righteousness' - the lowest scale of all).

So it's (as always) a battle of languge, words and their referents. Most of the Big ones have no common referent and are just, blab - the mothers milk of pols everywhere. If even a small advancement is made in the general realization of, "how often we abuse language and nullify 'reason'" - the 5000 may not have died to no purpose. Truth - the first casualty of war.

(If we don't find a 'purpose' a bit more significant than acquiring infinite personal wealth; then shopping - soon - it won't matter much how the present fiasco turns out, anyway IMhO.)

Anyway, from my limited experience of Islam re the 'meanings' of the two Jihads - it's what you quoted, near as such large ideas can ever be ~encapsulated so briefly..
