Buy Murican! - and be ripped-off with alacrity, smugness and a deep sense of Biz-religio-Righteousness!
"We want to save you from the heartbreak of psoriasis. By removing your skin. For the War Effort on Terror, of course.." [Tell Us How We're Doing: 800-666-FUCK]
(We no longer have even the fleeting thought.. emerge..
Have you Senator, at long last - no shame at all??)
Now then.. speakingofNationBuilding: if we can combine the vulture-Capitalist with the Iraqi history of internecine endless lethal squabbling ... we may well create the antidote At Home too:
An auto-expiring (ergo self-cleansing) coprophageous strain of Capitalism:
Become Shit and eat Yourself.
Cannabis Cannibalism for Fun & Profit; the SARS-strain, spread by smoke & mirrors.
(Merely parachute Carly & Donald Trump into Baghdad, with valises full of VC NDAs - the first-ever.. *registered* intentional Vector for a pandemic.)
Who trusts that HP's days shall be numbered.. and counted-down in Permanent Blue-black ink jets
..of ricocheting blots on their already shit-stained escutcheon.