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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New The Swiss hit `em where it hurts
New Appreciate the links. But please put them in HTML. Thanks.
Was thnking of saying that in response to another post.

I'm in the habit of posting the first few paragraphs of pages I link to so people will get a feel for what will be said and can choose to follow the link or not. That's a practice I wish we could all follow
Jay O'Connor

"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"
New Ah, yes. Where's that checkbox again?
Haven't been able to find it since the last move.
New Don't look at me...
...I ain't coding the site this time around :)

(Yes, I wrote the auto-html link feature, and ezcodes, for ezboard)
Jay O'Connor

"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"
New I would prefer it if you don't look at me either
Scott borrowed the basic idea from me. Given the structure that he chose, it is relatively easy for Scott to build all of that (the main issue is just how he wants to manage the settings). I pointed that out to him, he agreed that it was true, but has other things (eg a job) that are higher on his priority list.

As for me doing it, well before I could try I would need to install rather more than I want to to get a test environment to test it in...

New Ditto likewise.
I've helped Scott with some of the basic HTML structure, but there's little I can do to assist those types of things. That doesn't change the basic "I want to help!" of course.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Zope is a dead horse.
My hope was to build a PHP version (and a Python version, and a... ;-) but as you said, the job arrived.

Jason Alexander is toying with the [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/SourceCode/src/phpiwethey.tgz|incomplete PHP code] that I posted. Anyone else of the PHP persuasion (or not, but feeling adventurous at least) is welcome to take the ball and run with it.

I'm more than willing to help with direction and explanations of the code, but I don't have the time to code much at all.

My only request is that we continue to use Postgres and the existing database structure (with appropriate additions if necessary).

-scott anderson
New Well, for you purists, perhaps..
But you've managed to make it stable and 98% feature-ful (?) So I'd guess we can struggle through with the bloody [shift] key and < and > all over the place, not to mention href.

And if even I can get enough HTML to drive Wade bats with colorful excrescenses of all sorts...

(Hey lazy ones! you gotta get up Early in the AM to be lazier than moi: boilerplate! those common thingies and fill in blanks.)

I'd guess we could live with thepresent Zope-a-dope for the foreseeable (?) Just my opinion.

of course, Sigmund does like to play in the fields of the Zope, from time to time..
New I can respect that.
I fully intend to create a version using Unicon CGI scripts talking to the PostGres database. I'm getting there... So far I've got a [link|http://yceran.org/cgi-bin/qompose.icx/qompose/qompose.qf|templating language] working. The next step is getting to read from a database.

Right at the moment, though, I'm archiving EzIWETHEY.

Wade, who is well aware (now) that this is really quite OT.

"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

Expand Edited by static Sept. 28, 2001, 04:23:01 AM EDT
New Tis not that hard...
[a href="URL"]NAME[/a]

Simply replace [ with < , ] with > and put the URL in for the URL and a description in for NAME.

Hey, boxley does it now, so can you. :-)

New Trying it with HTML
[link|http://www.nando.net/special_reports/terrorism/investigation/story/89783p-1156119c.html|Click here]
New You do know, don't you...
That you can edit your own posts, too... :-)

-scott anderson
New Now that's a frightening feature. A revisionist's paradise.
I think I'll go back and modify all my posts to say the exact opposite of what I originally said. Then everybody who flamed me will look really stupid.

He who controls the past controls the future.

New Ah, but the previous version will still be there.
Scott thought about editing a while, and did it right, IMO.

At the bottom of an edited post it says something like, "View history". In there you can see what previous versions looked like.

It wouldn't help in your proposed application...

See? This line isn't in the first version...

Expand Edited by Another Scott Sept. 20, 2001, 06:29:50 PM EDT
New Damn, Other Scott beat me to the punch
So much for that little joke.
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Expand Edited by drewk Sept. 20, 2001, 06:31:03 PM EDT
Expand Edited by drewk Sept. 20, 2001, 06:31:47 PM EDT
New Nyah nyah nanah nyah. Sorry. :-)
New You *really* haven't kept up, have you?
I think I'll go back and modify all my posts to say the exact opposite of what I originally said. Then everybody who flamed me will look really stupid.
That's exactly what Norm did, in the infamous "Mac Jihad" [sic!] thread on IWT-EzBoard, a couple of years ago.

Which was why our admins (Scott, I suppose?) then disabled EzBoard's Edit function on our board.

And why Scott made sure to include an "Edit History" audit trail in the editing function here.

So, uh... where the F were you, during all that time???

He who controls the past controls the future.
Yeah, but he who doesn't even know the past probably *doesn't* control the future...

Sheesh, man.
   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything
New Where the F?
C'mon man. You can swear better than that.
New The Swiss get hit where it hurts.
14 murdered in legeslature by a lone gunman, 10 wounded. Apparently he had an issue with a bus driver and was disatisfied with the level of support he got from local officials. He used a standard issue Swiss assault rifle.

No doubt America will be blamed ("It's just a 'copy cat' of what they do in the U.S. This would never happen here if it wasn't happening there").
     The Swiss hit `em where it hurts - (marlowe) - (19)
         Appreciate the links. But please put them in HTML. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott) - (9)
             AMEN! - (Fearless Freep)
             Ah, yes. Where's that checkbox again? - (marlowe) - (7)
                 Don't look at me... - (Fearless Freep) - (5)
                     I would prefer it if you don't look at me either - (ben_tilly) - (4)
                         Ditto likewise. - (static)
                         Zope is a dead horse. - (admin) - (2)
                             Well, for you purists, perhaps.. - (Ashton)
                             I can respect that. - (static)
                 Tis not that hard... - (Another Scott)
         Trying it with HTML - (marlowe) - (7)
             You do know, don't you... - (admin) - (6)
                 Now that's a frightening feature. A revisionist's paradise. - (marlowe) - (5)
                     Ah, but the previous version will still be there. - (Another Scott)
                     Damn, Other Scott beat me to the punch - (drewk) - (1)
                         Nyah nyah nanah nyah. Sorry. :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                     You *really* haven't kept up, have you? - (CRConrad) - (1)
                         Where the F? - (marlowe)
         The Swiss get hit where it hurts. - (Andrew Grygus)

Hey, the gutters are mine now.
110 ms