[link|http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-12300800,00.html|And there's nothing you can do about it]


Iraqi leaders have agreed a resolution paving the way for a post-Saddam government.

They agreed to hold a "general national congress" within four weeks in Baghdad.

It will set the rules for a transitional government for the country.

The resolution was passed following a day-long, US-sponsored meeting of 300 Iraqi leaders.

It said the congress would "spell out the rules to form a transitional government."

Another resolution stressed that the Coalition had a responsibility "in maintaining security" in Iraq.

The meeting - led by Iraq interim administrator Jay Garner - went ahead without representatives of the country's Shia Muslim community.

I say:

The Shiites will be participating in time. Just have to ditch those damn Iranian agents.