[link|http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Iraq-Rdp.html|SO they'll try to join `em]


In a sign of new cooperation, the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, an Iran-based group of Shiite Muslim exiles, sent a low-level delegation to the Baghdad conference. The council had boycotted the first meeting on April 15, and high-ranking members refused to attend Monday's conference in protest of its U.S. sponsorship, said Hamid al-Bayati, a London spokesman for the group.

I say:

Even these guys are starting to come to terms. If only the America hating losers of Berkeley could bring themselves to do likewise, instead of sitting on the sidelines talking sour grapes. But no, then they wouldn't be such complete losers anymore, and loserhood is [link|http://denbeste.nu/cd_log_entries/2003/03/Initiationceremonies.shtml|central to their identity]. It's really all they've got left.