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New Theocrats 1; Godless Capitalists 0; Dear Leader +\ufffd; US $ -\ufffd
A pastiche of breathless reports from the US project in Nation Building.. to the local Nation Dismantling (ongoing, but of late - intensified).

Seems that (in Our Prospective 51st State) the opposition galvanizes prayers and huge meetings (with the theme: US has overstayed its 'welcome' - "please be nice and leave us to organize things; thanks for your help.."), while setting up the machinery for a New Government. Then, while waiting around to become Liked: we seem to have no idea how to replace or invent the numbers in the Government computers
(Oh - they're missing too; not just the furniture and the hospital and Museum contents).
Nobody seems to like our Candidates, or their ex-guys who'd been sunning themselves in Disneyland and golfing with the neo-conmen in dark Armanis -- while they jousted with Saddam every day.

Meanwhile at another venue: Their Dear Leader (with whom Our Dear Leader earlier vowed 'to have no truck') - appears to want more next than some Shrub "words of assurance that Our Dear Leader won't add Their Dear Leader to that growing Invasion-list for fun-and-domestic-distraction" - all of which surely is taxing Our Dear Shrub's manifestly limited powers of multi-tasking.. as the

It's The Economy Stupid!

opposition crowd Here at Homeland Security HQ, searches frantically for Anyone left.. to woo: who *doesn't* believe that Saddam did 9/11 and has hidden thousands of Awful Things from Hyderabad to Peoria.

It's sooo Baaad Here at Homeland Security HQ that - the New American Century neo-droids have enlisted the Arch-lying scumbag of them all: Newt! the Grinch to:

Wage War on the State Department! Again!!
[Hey! That One has been used; it's how Tailgunner Joe opened his prior run for Champion Liar] - with his laundry list held up, purporting 200+ Commies in
... wait for it
The State Department!

(And the DOJ - has decreed that ALL calls to and from Congress
[Enemies Everywhere.. where have we heard That One before? - see above]
- must go through the Pope's Office.
- Don't want no whistleblowers anywhere <--NEAR--> any whistlelisteners!


So then.. and still
[as.. it was.. just prior to 9/11 and throughout the ready-to-Go neo-conmen 'Solutions' to Cloud Mens' Minds SAP]

It's Still The Economy, Stupid - even if you *want* to give the same amount of Tax Rebates to the Top 360,000 as to the Bottom 20,000,000 so as to make everyone feel
.. We're All In This Mess Together / We Be UNIFIED ..

OK, I admit it: I haven't the foggiest what Is Going On. Have you?

misreporting the disinformation. Again.

PS - Oh yeah: Our Dear Banty-Rooster Angel of Vengeance
[Dr. Hyde side of Dear Leader]
has vowed
. . . r e t r i b u t i o n . . .
upon our erstwhile Allies who wouldn't go along with the First Neo-conman Scam, but had averred even recently, that they certainly had remained 'Allies' despite the friction.

Of course, when Shrub next pisses directly into their soup, might these alienated-friends become next, Innovative Enemies? the Core of World Rebellion [say] ??

See - Nobody Knows What's Going On (it ain't just moi)

Edit: typo
Expand Edited by Ashton April 26, 2003, 07:20:01 AM EDT
New But give him points for meta-nation building
Ashton speculates Of course, when Shrub next pisses directly into their soup, might these alienated-friends become next, Innovative Enemies? the Core of World Rebellion [say] ??

We can only hope.
Love him or hate him, but at least acknowledge the fact that President Bush has a knack for bringing the most unlikely people together. Could anyone have imagined that Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims - historic foes for centuries - would unite in a Baghdad mosque to oppose US occupation of their land and vow to work hand in hand to remove the infidels from their ancestral ground? Equally impressive, President Bush's Iraq policy has helped millions of Europeans, who often find themselves at odds with each other on the most banal considerations of life, to find their common identity in opposition to the war.
The Iraq crisis has united Europeans and armed them with a clear sense of shared values and future vision. Millions have taken to the streets in the largest unified public protests in European history. People from every political persuasion, from every demographic category and from the entire rainbow of ethnic persuasions, joined together to condemn the unilateral policy of the Bush White House in Iraq and, by so doing, provided the first dramatic expression of a new European identity.

From this American observer's perspective, it is clear that the raw emotions on display in the streets, and the passionate talk in the salons, is of a far different nature from anything I have experienced in my many years in Europe. These people are not speaking as citizens of France, Italy, Germany, Hungary or Ireland. They are speaking as Europeans. As far as I know, there is no precedent for this kind of deeply felt shared sentiment.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New When W said he's a "uniter not a divider", he was right! :)

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New The only response to such a heartwarming
Unintended Consequence, must be

Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

Sic! Em! Shrub

Jeremy Rifkin - nobody's stooge. The more this impatient adolescent in the White House lives out his Svengalis' fantasies - the more patience is required of the adults, here and abroad.

Love. It.
     Theocrats 1; Godless Capitalists 0; Dear Leader +\ufffd; US $ -\ufffd - (Ashton) - (3)
         But give him points for meta-nation building - (rcareaga) - (2)
             When W said he's a "uniter not a divider", he was right! :) -NT - (a6l6e6x)
             The only response to such a heartwarming - (Ashton)

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