I've been around such folk for lengthy periods, too. Really handy to take certain problems to - with caution. In '64 (that's when we got the first PDP-8s IIRC) it's understandable that one would try to fly before crawling was a done deal.

What I can never quite get though, is how considerably ept techno- folk can sail off into 'AI' with such assurances (as we've been hearing regularly since about that time) before noticing what is known? suspected about: that which they believe they are about to emulate (!) as,

[link|http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/bk8/bk8ch2.htm|How Brains Think]

(Next chapter is on 'consciousness', with suitably humble disclaimers !!)

I am sure he knows much more lore than I ever will, but he seems massively ignorant of umm, what's Different about a homo-sap! vs - anything he could build.
