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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New And....
Marlowe for Homeland security.
Cybermace5 for SecDef.

Press Sec - Ashton
AG - Karsten
SecEd - Dr. L :)

I'll be VP, so I can sit around and do nothing.

Why, you could fill the entire cabinet just from this group of ours...

Why wait 'til 2008?
IWETHEY will even the score in 2004!
Expand Edited by jbrabeck April 22, 2003, 12:48:50 PM EDT
New Nah.. wanna be in charge o' the Repo Dungeons
New Even better (man, I can't stop giggling now)
I just imagined a world in which Ashton is a speech writer for Bush.

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New Yabut..
Either Dubya learns gooder Inglish and thereby seems more smarter


Ashton would have to restrict his prose to only two sillyble words.
New *First Press Release*
Uhh Ladies and Gentle- men.

It's umm.. Today I have a most ... unpleasant duty. I mean, this is gonna be hard but, you know - this Administration will do our duty.

Last night, approx 2AM, the President arose for a snack - the usual, some Ho- Hos and warm Texas ersatz-beer: a Coors, most often. :-)

Unfortunately for us all, a well-wisher had sent a metric ton of Tasty Texas-size Pretzels to our *sob* .. Falle- :/

Er.. to Our Leader, knowing how much he relishes haut-? ^h^h Hot Kwiseen. :(

My fellow Americans, at 2:25 AM, the President suffered an es-oph-a ge --? He choked to death, all alone in the Oval Office. No one there to help, on Pretzel-Watch.. No one at all .... ... .. .


New Re: *First Press Release*
You know, I'd been toying recently with the notion of mailing a bag of pRetzels to the pResident--the idea being to send the clear message of "I wish you were dirtnapping" without actually saying that, which gets you unpleasant interviews at home and the workplace with the new Department of Homeland Security-based (and therefore the surlier for having their Civil Service protections withdrawn) USSS--but it occurred to me that in the present climate it would be taken not merely as a threat but as an actual attempt on the twit's worthless life. Cravenly, fearing prosecution for thoughtcrime, I set the undertaking aside.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
     I don't feel free any more - (deSitter) - (28)
         Don't worry - (JayMehaffey)
         Not free anymore - (orion) - (23)
             The suits have always run the country - (tuberculosis) - (22)
                 As long as people keep voting . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (12)
                     Dang that was depressing. - (imric) - (11)
                         Me for prez in 2008. - (inthane-chan) - (10)
                             How are you going to turn the US upside down? - (imric) - (1)
                                 Also introduce "flat" income tax... - (inthane-chan)
                             And.... - (jbrabeck) - (5)
                                 Nah.. wanna be in charge o' the Repo Dungeons -NT - (Ashton) - (4)
                                     Even better (man, I can't stop giggling now) - (drewk) - (3)
                                         Yabut.. - (jbrabeck)
                                         *First Press Release* - (Ashton) - (1)
                                             Re: *First Press Release* - (rcareaga)
                             Well, that platform got my vote! :-) -NT - (ben_tilly)
                             Gotta find a place for CRC...Then I'll vote for ya! -NT - (jb4)
                 Believe me I have - (orion) - (8)
                     Re: Believe me I have - (rcareaga)
                     You SURE you aren't the only one? - (imric) - (6)
                         Maybe we need to get more voters active? - (orion) - (5)
                             You. Just. DO. That. -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 I'm trying to convince anyone I can - (orion) - (1)
                                     Anytime - (imric)
                             Nah, we should just register them and vote FOR them - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                                 How Chicago of you.......[rofl] -NT - (jb4)
         Perhaps you felt free at one time because... - (ChrisR) - (2)
             bass-ackwards? - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 No, he was exactly correct. - (deSitter)

I invite this riffraff to my house every year?
167 ms