We have lots of "extra" expenses that could be eliminated prior to the mortgage.
Things like 2 cell phone, a car payment ( which could be paid off in cash right now ), AOL and broadband internet, security system, housekeeper every two weeks.
I can come up with $1,000 a month in savings, if we would chose to get rid of cell phones and stop the kids' extra activities ( gym, soccer, baseball ), housekeeper, etc.
What I fear most is not less income, but none at all. Even at a "burn rate" reduced by $1,000 a month, we would chew through most everything in about 6-8 months, depending on how quickly we could cut back.
I do think that the job market is trying to remake itself about 25% less expensive than pre 2000 levels. Airline pilots/flight attendants/mechanics are taking 23% pay cuts. That is similar to what I see high tech jobs being "offered" at. It just seems that the big kahunas that run the country must want everyone to live at 25% less.
We could do it, but a lot of extras would fall by the wayside. Life insurance, for example.
So, I'm trying to figure out if the 25% reduction is an "across the economy" thing, or just in selected pockets where jobs are scarce and candidates are abundant.
Glen Austin