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New Instead of Bitching
..the artists would be better off doing art. Do what Elia Kazan or Stanley Kramer or whoever would do - make some socially conscious art - it has an effect, even if people don't want to admit it.

Here's an interesting discussion of Michael Moore's debacle by Roger Ebert:


(Dm - 2Am)(Rmn + 1/2gmn R + 1/2Fmn) = 0
New Lordie, but Michael Moore...
gets on my nerves for all the same reasons Tim Robbins does, only cubed. He's entirely too pleased with himself. It's hard to think of anything he could do short of putting on a dhoti and weaving his own cloth that would persuade me to regard him as anything other than an entertainer comfortably preaching, like his evil twin Limbaugh, to an adoring choir.


"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New ObDitto!
     Tim Robbins on CSPAN - (tuberculosis) - (31)
         ??? link doesnt mention Tim Robbins - (boxley) - (2)
             Bummer - it DID when I posted it. - (tuberculosis) - (1)
                 And yet.. still, in fact - Sinclair Lewis' work is deemed - (Ashton)
         Seems hypocritcal - (SpiceWare) - (23)
             full text of speech link enclosed - (boxley)
             It is... - (bepatient)
             The Public? - (Silverlock)
             Who? - (tuberculosis) - (19)
                 I didn't say it was all OK - (SpiceWare) - (18)
                     Vague definitions of "The Public" culminate in that - (Ashton) - (3)
                         I love the new telephone computer generated polls - (boxley)
                         Speaking of polls ... - (drewk)
                         doesn't change the hypocrisy in his stance. - (SpiceWare)
                     Re: I didn't say it was all OK - (rcareaga) - (13)
                         Re: I didn't say it was all OK - (SpiceWare) - (12)
                             oh, for heaven's sake! - (rcareaga) - (11)
                                 Re: oh, for heaven's sake! - (SpiceWare) - (7)
                                     Gawd Forbid that someone might get away with a bit of - (Ashton) - (1)
                                         While I can overlook the teacher stuff - (SpiceWare)
                                     If that's all you've seen - (Silverlock) - (4)
                                         Even though I live in Texas - (SpiceWare) - (3)
                                             What? - (Silverlock) - (2)
                                                 Re: What? - (SpiceWare)
                                                 this is exactly what I was saying - (SpiceWare)
                                 {sigh} Do I hear an echo in the History dept. hallway? - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     not sure that is the factor - (boxley) - (1)
                                         cf 'hypocrisy': it's in the Genes. Our mothers milk. -NT - (Ashton)
         Go where, exactly? - (marlowe)
         Instead of Bitching - (deSitter) - (2)
             Lordie, but Michael Moore... - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 ObDitto! -NT - (Another Scott)

It's like Parkay: You think it's LRPD, but it's not.
52 ms