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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New we may be the most heavily armed...
but we do exist in a wider world, not a vacuum. If we make ourselves sufficiently loathed there are any number of understandings our deadliest foes (Russia, China, the EU) might arrive at to make us regret that fact.

Think of it! A global consensus that the United States of Bushreich has become a "rogue nation"...economic sanctions...*SHUN*...

Rather early to look for that, of course, but between the junta's hubris (jubris?) and its hamfisted "diplomacy" there's simply no limit to the number of people we could make hate us!

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Imagine if we keep pushing other countries around...
...to the point that the economic interests of the major nuclear powers (Russia, China, India, France, England - pick a couple of them, doesn't have to be all) start doing some serious saber rattling.

Do you really see Bush 'n co backing down? I don't. And considering they're the "Gawd's on our side" type - I can really see them walking right into a confrontation, and maybe even tossing a few nukes.

Very scary.
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New *ACK*
God, oh Gawd... oh gawd forbid we get to the point of nukes. On the one hand, even w/ this admin, I can't imagine them being that stupid. Then again, they may have such an overly-inflated sense of power and control, "emboldened" by their ability to push the War on Iraq, that they assume the rest of the world quakes in its boots when ever we show our guns.

I guess it goes back to the cold war thoughts, can we count on a counter-attack? More importantly, if we pre-emptively nuke a non-nuclear nation, can we expect a nuclear nation (say Russia in this instance) to step up and put us in our place.

Ughghg... just a lot of bad, conspiratorial thoughts there. Makes for an interesting end game.

"I'm man enough to tell you that I can't put my finger on
exactly what my philosophy is now, but I'm flexible."
-- Malcolm X
New "Smaller nukes" are On Order by this Admin. Already.
New Oh, and welcome to the crew :)
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]

Carpe Dieu
New Re: *ACK*
I join boxley in extending welcome. Happy hunting and gathering.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Yeah, welcome aboard.
I'm probably responsible for this addition, 'though I don't know the individual in question - posted a link to another mailing list. Seen his avatar over there before, though.
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New Re: Yeah, welcome aboard.
Why, yes you are. Guess I forgot to say, "Hello!"

Thanks for the welcome; I tend to do a lot of lurking to prevent the overly irrational posts which come in the heat of the moment. I'm in search of more balanced discussions - not to say, InThane, that the list you just joined isn't. (I'm referring to others in which, though I'm a self-proclaimed "leftist", I feel I'm not getting a balanced enough story.)

Anywho, that's the long and short. I'm a Seattleite w/ dreams of Ecotopia.

By the by, InThane, I'm the originator of the other list/forum you just joined. And, if I'm not mistaken, your coworker, R.B., is a friend of mine. We do AR work w/ NARN together.

thanks again for the warm one.
"I'm man enough to tell you that I can't put my finger on
exactly what my philosophy is now, but I'm flexible."
-- Malcolm X
New Correct.
R.B. is indeed the common thread here...
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New Gah!
Not "England"!

It's "The United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern Ireland", or just "The UK".

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Indonesia may switch from dollar to euro for trade - (JayMehaffey) - (12)
         Quote "It's not clear what Washington can do about all this" - (jbrabeck)
         we may be the most heavily armed... - (rcareaga) - (9)
             Imagine if we keep pushing other countries around... - (inthane-chan) - (8)
                 *ACK* - (xtensive) - (6)
                     "Smaller nukes" are On Order by this Admin. Already. -NT - (Ashton)
                     Oh, and welcome to the crew :) -NT - (boxley)
                     Re: *ACK* - (rcareaga)
                     Yeah, welcome aboard. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
                         Re: Yeah, welcome aboard. - (xtensive) - (1)
                             Correct. - (inthane-chan)
                 Gah! - (pwhysall)
         This would put Australia in a difficult position. - (static)

Nobody has that much Schadenfreude in him.
51 ms