Post #97,052
4/17/03 2:12:52 PM
4/18/03 10:22:11 AM

I don't quite know how to say this. (edited)
But, ever since I have installed and used Debian, and *USED* it. Then blew it up and recovered from that mistake, then installed it on a few firewalls for friends. Also on my equipment and quite a few other thing nows. just by example on my DEC-2100/4 233MHz dual processor boxen.
My 10 year old Daughter's Computer, with UT, Q3A, UT2K3, the SIMS(using Winex and Wine), plus other games available on Debian with ease. Flash, Java, Real Player, Quick-timeplayer, alsaplayer, XMMS, GAIM, DVD with CSS Player, better CD burning software than windoze. Watch TV (with a tuner card I had laying around). An aux input radio (the am/fm tuner from R/S a long time ago). Good speakers with a head phone jack (and volume on the speakers control the headphones too) An old, but nice Phillips 20" Monitor (1994 manufacture), 1.4GHz 266MHz FSB, 512MB memory, GeForce2 GTS+ Ultra 64/MB Video, DVD reader, CD-ROM burner, USB Joystick, Mouse and Visioneer OneTouch Scanner 5800usb, Internet Connection. All administratable from my seat here or anywhere I can ssh2 from. sidenote: Due to this machine, I have removed 2 CD players/radios, a television/VCR combo, a Nintendo64, and a massive VCR tape cabinet from here room. She now has about 20% bigger room. She now has a desk to do homework on, too.
I just have to say, things are just working for me with Debian. Really. I can limit her time on perday. I can auto shutdown the machine 10 minutes before bedtime. All configs being controlled by me.
I don't even care to want to use or pay attention to ANY distibution except Debian (and of course my pet favorite Slackware of which I still have a subscription and will continue to)... and I can understand why people shy away from it(Debian). It(Debian) is too "what do YOU REALLY want to do today" slanted. The change, it just happened. For me, it just happened. And I'll gladly tell you I was extremely, extremely biased toward/about RedHat and ManDrake (Slackware is still my favorite overall. Merely for *MY* play things, which might change too).
Just to tell you how much I have gone to Debian and literally ignoring most other Linux distributions. I have all "Release versions" of RedHat ISOs v6.0-v9.0 and Mandrake v7.0-v9.1. I can do a network install for any-version of RedHat v6.0 -v7.3, with all the Updates I auto D/L everynight. Same thing for Mandrake v7.0-v8.1, auto-updates and all. But v8.0 and v9.0 of RedHat stay in ISO format, not able to be network installed, as is Mandrake v9.0 and v9.1. For me, there is no need or want to do it or even go through the setup to do it(which is very easy, as the others are already setup).
For Debian, it is another storu though. I have a partial debian archive mirror for: i386 Architecture(class includes AMD and Cyrix Pentium blah), DEC/COMPAQ/HP Alpha architechture, PA-RISC Architecture (HP machines) and Sparc architecture (Sun machines). Nightly at ~4 hours after the push to is completed from, I update my US archive. I do the same thing for I update my nonUS archive. I don't mirror Debian Security as it's trivial to get that relase stuff. That's not all, I also d/l the jigdo templates too. Whenever they change date/time or size my machine kicks off a CD image build for Woody v3.0 (currently r1), Sarge (currently 10 CDs) and Sid (currently alot of CDs) from my own archive (after unzipping and changing the sources and re-gzipping them back).
For those of you that want your RPM packages for Oracle, eDIR or <what-have-you>. Everything I've converted using Alien into Debian format so far, which isn't a WHOLE lot, has worked flawlessly. Specific requirements are able to be met with Debian as OLD versions are kept around.
Since I have edited this to remove the eeelipippsess (yeah blow it out yur Arse: ellipsises), I am going out on a limb here (a pretty stout one though) and say that Debian is *THE* universal Linux Distribution. If it won't work on Debian... it just plain won't work.
[link||greg] - IT Grand-Master for President | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] | [link|,3959,857673,00.asp|2004, the year Microsoft develops for Linux ] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: The DHS [link||Cyberer-Stratergery]. The ultimate in Cyber. |
I don't quite know how to say this...
But, ever since I have installed and used Debian... and *USED* it... then blew it up and recovered from that mistake... then Installed it on a few Firewalls for Friends... and mine and quite a few other thing nows... Like on my DEC-2100/4 233MHz Dual Processor boxen...
My 10 year old Daughter's Computer... with UT, Q3A, UT2K3, the SIMS(using Winex and Wine), plus tons of other games available to Debian with ease... Flash, Java, Real Player, Quick-timeplayer, alsaplayer, XMMS, GAIM, etc... DVD with CSS Player, better CD burning software than windoze... Watch TV (with a tuner card I had laying around) an aux input radio (the am/fm tuner from R/S a long time ago) good speaker with a head phone jack (and volume on the speakers controll the headphones too)... a Nice but old Phillips 20" Monitor (1994 manufacture), 1.4GHz 266MHz FSB, 512MB memory, GeForce2 GTS+ Ultra 64/MB Video, DVD Player, CD-ROM burner, USB Joystick, Mouse and Visioneer OneTouch Scanner 5800usb, Internet Connection... all administratable from my seat here or anywhere I can ssh2 from...
I just have to say, things are just working for me with Debian... really... I can limit her time on perday... I can auto shutdown the machine 10 minutes before Bedtime...
I don't even care to want to use or pay attention to ANY distibution except Debian (and of course my pet favorite Slackware of which I still have a subscription and will continue to)... and I can understnad why people shy away from it... it is too "what do YOU REALLY want to do today" slanted... it just happened... for me, it just happened... And I'll tell you I was extremely, extremely biased toward/about RedHat and ManDrake (Slackware is still my favorite overall... but merely for *MY* play things, which might change too).
Just to tell you how much I have gone to Debian... I have all Release versions of RedHat ISOs v6.0-v9.0 and and Mandrake v7.0-v9.1. I can do a network install for any-version of RedHat v6.0 -v7.3, plus all the Updates I auto D/L everynight. Same thing for Mandrake v7.0-v8.1, auto-updates and all. But v8.0 and v9.0 for RedHat stay in ISO format, as do Mandrake v9.0 and v9.1. For me ... no need or want to do it... or go through the setup to do it.
For Debian though, I have a partial debian archive mirror for i386(class includes AMD and Cyrix Pentium blah), Alpha, PA-RISC (HP machines) and Sparc (Sun machines)... Nightly at ~4 hours after the push to is completed I update my US archive... same thing for I update my nonUS archive. I don't mirror Security as it's trivial to get that relase stuff... but... that's not all... I d/l the jigdo templates too, whenever they change date/time or size my machine kicks off a CD image build for Woody v3.0 (currently r1), Sarge (currently 10 CDs) and Sid (currently alot of CDs) from my own archive (after unzipping and changing the sources and re-gzipping them back). For those of you that want your RPM distro's have em... Everything I've Alien'd into Debian so far... which isn't a WHOLE lot... has worked flawlessly... Specific requirements are able to be met with Debian as OLD versions are kept around...
[link||greg] - IT Grand-Master for President | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] | [link|,3959,857673,00.asp|2004, the year Microsoft develops for Linux ] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: The DHS [link||Cyberer-Stratergery]. The ultimate in Cyber. |
Post #97,057
4/17/03 2:27:46 PM

And don't forget ...
... talking a non-sysadmin (/me raises hand) though a week of pain with a badly out-of-date machine. No contact but jabber, on the Debian box when I could, on the Windows box when I broke something. But this ancient machine is now running Gnome2.2, sub-pixel anti-aliasing and all. And it's FAST. Really, it is.
Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Post #102,437
5/18/03 11:17:01 AM

does it support ReiserFS?
The old linux machine I have gathering dust (the one that spurred Mark's descent into insanity for a month or two on Help Desk) has a lot of files I'd sort of like to get, and it was on a Reiser partition. I wasn't sure if Reiser ever made it into Woody, or if there was some kind of licensing dispute around it. For some reason Resier is hated by a lot of people...
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?" - Edward Young
Post #102,443
5/18/03 12:24:45 PM

why does...
...I'm using reiserfs right now.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #97,073
4/17/03 3:24:32 PM
4/17/03 3:26:42 PM

*gloat* \r\n\r\n And from the LRPD, the answer to your question: "in stereo".
--\r\n Karsten M. Self [link||]\r\n [link||]\r\n What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n \r\n Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link||]\r\n

Edited by kmself
April 17, 2003, 03:26:42 PM EDT
Post #97,200
4/17/03 11:36:11 PM

obLRPD: [C:\\]_
Is it enough to love Is it enough to breathe Somebody rip my heart out And leave me here to bleed
| | Is it enough to die Somebody save my life I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary Please
| -- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne. |
Post #97,232
4/18/03 3:47:33 AM

Greg, Greg, Greg.
Please, please, pretty please.
Stop with the endless "...".
Make proper sentences. We know you can.
Consider this a gentle prod from one who knows you know better.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #97,241
4/18/03 7:32:35 AM
4/18/03 10:03:35 AM

Indeed. There's more to punctuation than the ellipsis.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."

Edited by admin
April 18, 2003, 10:03:35 AM EDT
Post #97,255
4/18/03 9:58:38 AM

ObPedant: Ellipsises.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #97,257
4/18/03 10:04:02 AM

Whoops, typo, not intended to be plural.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #97,258
4/18/03 10:25:39 AM

Vast improvement :)
Thanks, Greg. It's much easier to read, now.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #97,315
4/18/03 3:47:39 PM

C'mon, he's just trying to cash in on the box/Ashton cachet
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #97,321
4/18/03 4:34:43 PM
4/18/03 4:41:41 PM

Huh? Greg and BeeP are the only two...
...over-ellipsoid posters we have, I thought... OK, I can't swear to the BOx not belonging to this unfortunate group(*) -- but *Ashton* surely doesn't! Where the heck did you get that from?
(Now, if it had been "Cackle! Cackle! Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!..." in stead... :-)
(*): [Added on Edit] Nor some others, regarding whom it may have slipped my mind that they could be thus afflicted; see Thane's post below for a self-confessed example of this kind.
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link||Ashton Brown]

Edited by CRConrad
April 18, 2003, 04:41:41 PM EDT
Post #97,322
4/18/03 4:35:46 PM

I'm guilty from time to time...
Post #97,327
4/18/03 5:18:08 PM

Depends on the definition of over-ellipsoid posters ...
Post #97,328
4/18/03 5:31:15 PM

I just meant the 'train of thought' crowd
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #97,348
4/18/03 8:15:51 PM

I dunno... I'm certainly guilty...
Imric's Tips for Living- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Post #97,351
4/18/03 8:37:01 PM

...whatever do you mean? I'm certain...nay positive...that you can't be critical of...say...this posting style.
I also know...well I thought I did...that this simplified the reading of well as can be anyway...posts.
Chortle! Chortle! Chortle! Chortle! Chortle! Chortle! Chortle!
I'll try and do better in the future.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #97,361
4/19/03 1:18:44 AM

--\r\n Karsten M. Self [link||]\r\n [link||]\r\n What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n [link||TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n \r\n Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link||]\r\n
Post #97,358
4/19/03 12:40:38 AM

'Twas a sloppy near-miss, above.
But you were not fooled :-\ufffd
ascii elipsis: \ufffd [may not display well in final, but 3-tinier dots, close together] lazy elipsis: ...
My reconciliation of pauses.. within sentences.. as seem to better fit how we Speak: are not [yet] accorded notice in Strunk.
(Maybe '..' could be an elopsis?)
I'll.. go away now.
Post #97,260
4/18/03 10:48:48 AM

I am going out on a limb here (a pretty stout one though) and say that Debian is *THE* universal Linux Distribution. If it won't work on Debian... it just plain won't work.
Okies. A (probably easy) challenge for you.
I've got Knoppix and Debian (mumble) on CD-R disks from CheapBytes. I've got a 486/133 EISA/VLB SCSI system with a 2x SCSI CD-ROM (that can't read CD-R disks, I don't think). The SCSI controller is an UltraStor 34F (VLB) card. It's also got a 3COM EISA Ethernet card that I haven't yet got working with OS/2.
I have on the shelf an ISA IDE controller (that may be limited to 8.4 GB), a 30 GB IDE disk, and a 40x10x40 or so IDE CD-RW drive that I plan installing in the chassis of the system, but haven't had time to do so yet. I also have an ISA Ethernet card on the shelf.
Knoppix doesn't seem to have a driver for the ancient UltraStor SCSI card, but I knew that a Linux driver existed for it at one time.
How would one go about installing Knoppix or Debian on this box? Extra points for an install that doesn't involve installing the ISA/IDE hardware.
The box works fine with OS/2 Warp 3 Connect (other than the Ethernet problem I haven't had time to resolve yet. Dialup works fine).
Cheers, Scott.
Post #97,267
4/18/03 11:20:29 AM

Okay. Here goes.
First off, which EISA 3Com card is it? Second, Knoppix v3.1* does have difficulty with SCSI. v3.2 (2003-04-15) does have the 2.4.20-xfs config'd kernel: CONFIG_ULTRASTOR=m\nCONFIG_SCSI_U14_34F=m\nCONFIG_SCSI_U14_34F_MAX_TAGS=8 Also, since it is a VLB controller, you might have to tell it what to use, as it may not be able to probe it well. The KNOPPIX kernel should support the 3Com EISA card whatever it may be. Thirdly, iffn you can't read CD-Rs on it, I'd do a Net Install. I'd use the boot-floppy method, then see if it *CAN* see the CDROM and CD-Rs. If not, then do a Network "ftp" install (you can provide ftp services right?) Fourthly, I am a betting man, that iffn you did those, you'd be golden.
[link||greg] - IT Grand-Master for President | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] | [link|,3959,857673,00.asp|2004, the year Microsoft develops for Linux ] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: The DHS [link||Cyberer-Stratergery]. The ultimate in Cyber. |
Post #97,445
4/20/03 6:37:57 PM

Hi Greg,
Thanks for your help. Sorry about the delay.
The EISA Ehternet card is a 3c579 Etherlink III. It's an AUI and BNC card. I've got some BNC cables and a hub that accepts a BNC uplink and 10BaseT connectors, but I haven't tried working out how the connections to the 3c579 would work out. (I do have the 3com manual for it.) I also can scrounge up some AUI to BNC transceivers, so I'll probably go that route and keep everything wired 10BaseT for simplicity.
The PC only has 64 MB of RAM and is maxed out, so I'm not expecting great performance with it.
Thirdly, iffn you can't read CD-Rs on it, I'd do a Net Install. I'd use the boot-floppy method, then see if it *CAN* see the CDROM and CD-Rs. If not, then do a Network "ftp" install (you can provide ftp services right?)
I still haven't checked for sure to see if the SCSI CD-ROM can read CD-Rs. That's next on the ToDo list...
Yes, the other two PCs I have (Win2k and MacOS 8.6) can provide FTP services. The issue with doing it over the network is 1) having a Knoppix distribution that understands the UltraStor card (as I understand the later versions do), and 2) getting the OS to see the 3c579 and getting it wired up.
Are you still offering CDs? If so, I'll contact you via e-mail and throw some cash your way.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #97,460
4/20/03 8:09:11 PM

As always:
Send e-mail with the needed and pertinent info I need to "MAIL" you, you CDs. To the address below.
8 Debian Woody v3.0r1 CDs 3 Knoppix "latest" 1 CD with 'Doze stuff on it.
Thar yeah be.
[link||greg] - IT Grand-Master for President | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] | [link|,3959,857673,00.asp|2004, the year Microsoft develops for Linux ] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: The DHS [link||Cyberer-Stratergery]. The ultimate in Cyber. |
Post #97,461
4/20/03 8:47:45 PM

Danke! Mail sent.
Post #103,487
5/25/03 12:09:30 PM

3c579 no go. DE-220PCT working under Warp 3 Connect.
Just another update in our continuing saga...
I spent a vacation day fighting with the 3c579 but never was able to get it to work. The activity light on my DI-704P router never blinked when it was hooked up running Warp 3 Connect. The DOS diagnostics seem to indicate the card is OK (it fails on loopback tests IIRC, but I don't have a loopback cable so that isn't unexpected). So I gave up on it and installed the ISA DE-220PCT card I bought for $15 a couple of years ago.
Of course, the driver disk didn't have OS/2 driver .NIF files, and neither did D-Link's web page. Luckily, while IBM's Device Driver Pak web page didn't have one for the 220PCT either, it did have one for the 220P and that works.
Almost immediately after the install and configuration under Warp the D-Link card worked fine. Except for the fact that DNS wasn't doing anything. But that was a minor issue. I was able to set up Peter Moylan's wonderful little ftpd and transfer everything off the Warp machine to my Win2k machine with ncftp (using IP numbers) in a few hours.
Today I got DNS lookups working - I apparently had the wrong DNS server listed in \\MPTN\\ETC\\RESOLV2. So at least under Warp 3, everything's ok with the 486 box. Now just to get a WAP and a wireless bridge so I can shift the 486 into an upstairs bedroom and still have it on the 'net with my 10baseT boxes...
Back on-topic: I've also discovered that some of my previous Knoppix questions here are answered at the [link||KnoppixFaq]. I wasn't seeing anything but blank pages there earlier due to Privoxy blocking the pages. But unfortunately, there's nothing I've been able to find about how to get Knoppix to recognize the UltraStor SCSI controller or how to list what things it is able to find during the attempted hardware detection or how to force it to use my hardware. Any pointers?
Assuming I'm unable to get it to recognize the UltraStor controller, my next attempt will be to try to install an old version of Caldera on it (assuming I can find it in my stash). If that doesn't go, I'll install the ISA hard drive interface and 30 GB drive (once I get long enough drive cables) and see what it's happy with.
At the moment, it looks like Warp 3 Connect may be the terminal OS for the box in its present configuration and I'll have to conclude that Knoppix just isn't good for old boxes with obscure hardware. And (if so) that's OK. :-)
Thanks for any tips.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #102,381
5/17/03 2:07:58 PM

K 3.2 CD written. Boot floppy written. But no go. :-(
After a couple of false starts (e.g., incorrectly copying the .ISO file to the CD-R disk rather than writing it as an .ISO), I managed to burn a good copy of Knoppix 3.2 (downloaded 5/11/2003 from a German mirror). I burned it at 4x and the 486 SCSI CD-ROM can read it when booted in Win95B or OS/2. Yaaaa!
The boot floppy (made with "rawrite2 -f boot.img -d A" from Win2k (note that "boot-en.img" doesn't exist on this CD though it did on my copy of K 3.1)) works fine - I get the splash screen and the "boot:" prompt.
But, when vmlinuz.... trundles for a while, it dies and I get "Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue" no matter what options I specify at the "boot:" prompt when I try to boot the 486 from the boot floppy and the CD. :-(
I've tried:
failsafe knoppix 2 expert knoppix noapic noagp noapm noaudio noddc nofirewire nopcmcia lang=us expert noapic noagp noapm noaudio noddc nofirewire nopcmcia lang=us
I always get the same error, "Boot failed: ..." I've never seen the CD-ROM light come on while it's trying to boot.
The 486 has no "boot from CD" option in the BIOS, so I've got to use the boot floppy.
How do I specify that it has the VLB UltraStor controller? Do I have to tell it that the graphics card is VLB as well? How do I find out why the bootup is failing? What's the format of a "" file? What should go there? Any other things I should (a nearly complete newbie) should know to get this beastie running under Knoppix?
If it matters, the graphics card is a Diamond Stealth Pro VLB card (S3 -86C928) with 1 MB of video RAM.
Cheers, Scott.