Since 14/Apr/2003:07:30:36 -0400
Until 14/Apr/2003:13:30:50 -0400
Hits for Karsten's:
[link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=96264|Can't mail mom: AOL blocks DUL/DSL mailservers - Post #96264]
Stands at: 3037
The access log for *Z* is 1/3 the size it was for last week period 3.2MB vs 13.1MB
Not been bad... now iffn it had been on the Top of Front Page of /. ~Noon EDT or ~8PM EDT on a weekday... we'd prolly have seen much more traffic.
Too bad Karsten you didna get to test it as well as you'da wanted... none of the DDoS that /. can be sometimes.
Looks like TWIKI got some traffic too... :)