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New Canadiens:- "Dying soon?" "OK to smoke pot."
The new regulations would make Canada the first country in the world to
permit its citizens to legally use marijuana for medical purposes, and Rock
said it "is a landmark."
However, those applying for the licenses will have to show clear symptoms
associated with certain illnesses and with a prognosis of death within 12
months, symptoms associated with officially listed medical conditions, or
with "symptoms associated with other medical conditions."


Don Richards is using this sig. Hands off!
New Does "the munchies" count as a symptom?
New What about "social paranoia"? Dry mouth?
     Canadiens:- "Dying soon?" "OK to smoke pot." - (stobor) - (2)
         Does "the munchies" count as a symptom? -NT - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             What about "social paranoia"? Dry mouth? -NT - (deSitter)

I don't think mammals are meant to eat reptiles.
91 ms