Might be <20 yrs, as I ponder where I might have found the story. Might even have been another poet ;-) Hell maybe even Pasternak, but then..
Thanks for R-R tip. Silly that.. I was a Crown, Revox dealer! in the bye and bye. Moved on; peddled my Ampex alignment tapes, etc. Now have to scrounge. Heh - think of those owners of superb Marantz equipment who M$-"up"graded to... Germanium transistors! (proving their ears were not golden but leaden.. in the first Place.)
And so it goes,
Edit PS:
Have heard the Preludes And Fugues; can't say I 'know' it, don't own a copy.
Hmmm - there's a Gliere Concerto for Coloratura & Orchestra - must choose the Joan Sutherland version - as may also qualify for transcendence.. Voice as pure instrument, wordless. {sometimes.. such a relief, that}
(as would several JS qualify, of course itgoeswithoutayingsoIwon't)
As to this last century..
Honegger Christmas Cantata! Dissonance as perfect metaphor:
It begins with >12-tone-like er dissonance; since it's a Xian-sorta metaphor.. as The Light begins to dawn on [us - presumably].. harmony sneaks in and grows into paeans. The first clear chord is a falling (fifth?) with a 'wondering?' rising and tentative, in the 4th-or-so bar and then a resolution.
One caveat - for fully appreciating Where We Are At Today [?]
record this on a tape; reverse-spool: and play it backwards.
Devolution made manifest by the omnipotent power of music to teach... (those with ears not yet deafened by electric guitars at 110 dBm.)
Ashton Critic
Watchin replay of Headin fer the Last Roundup, played by a clown in paleface, with his fly open to reveal - white powder.