...that while I want there to be some semblance of a level of Grammatik in a language (even in a "slut" like English...again, nicely said), I believe that attempts to freeze a language at a fixed period of time is a fool's errand. Note that there hasen't been a dearth of fools that have wanted to take that errand on (Hitler in the 1930's, L'Academie Francaise currently, China at various times in it long and checkered history). Like everything else, if a language doesn't evolve with the times, it dies; it is supreme arrogance to even consider that a language has a mechanism to express every experience (and thing, for that matter) that its speakers will ever need to express.
That said, I find myself increasingly irritated with some of the bastardation of English that is going on. My two all time favorites:
"A apple" (Using "a" instead of "an" preceding a word that starts with a vowel).
"There is some..." (Using a singluar verb as the predicate for a plural subject).
I could care less about the further/farther debate (although I believe a literate person should be able to tell the difference).
[Edit: changed the "dearth of fools" sentence to make something resembling sense...]