Thank you, Doug...
At one time, I used to be human... As you can see from my graphic (if you have graphics on), I have completely digressed over the last few days back to the womb...
I also used to love to debate and challenge myself with the likes of you guys. I also used to have an easy job where I had plenty of free time! I really don't mean to hit and run.
We all have deep feelings associated with the recent world events. I try to make sense out of what garbage shows up in the media (GIGO). To quote DiNiro, "I know a thing or two about a thing or two", but I am a work in progress. If someone can give a compelling and pursuasive argument, I still can learn a few things.
I know we've been at odds about the "audacity" of the current US foreign policy, but I think you will find that when it is written in the history books, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea will be under the subheading of US reaction to 9/11 to defeat organized terrorism... It just ain't very pretty while it's happening. I think we'll probably stop short of the Mafia and find ourselves back, totally preoccupied with our own wars on drugs, free speech, and eachother (in general) and back to our true religion of Materialism shortly enough.
While we're waiting, does Australia have any terrorists?
Just a few thoughts,
Living is easy with eyes closed
misunderstanding all you see,
it's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
it doesn't matter much to me
J. Lennon - Strawberry Fields Forever