You write:
"And, finally, the issue you've decided to respond to is one of the smallest parts of my post. Hell, it's not even the point. It's background. And yet, strangely enough, it seems to have the longest sub-thread of the lot. Bait, switch, match."
Although I do not think it was "one of the smallest parts of (your) post" (obviously), you have valid concerns such as what precedence this could possibly set for future wars. Upon rereading, I did gloss over some of your better points. I apologize.
I have not concerned myself with this question so much insofar as all wars start pretty much this way... "i.e. we really think we should, and we have good reasons" and leave it at that". Very few nations ask UN permission to go to war. What was unprecedented, IMHO, was how much discussion occurred before we went into Iraq.
When, in your original post, you state:
"That doesn't shake my belief that the US is forming the beginnings of a foreign policy stance that should not be taken. And I've never believed the ends justify the means."
I do not share the premise that "we are forming the beginnings of a foreign policy stance that should not be taken." Because of this, I do not share your fears. I believe that in the context of 9/11 and as outlined by Bush's State of the Union speech, that the foreign policy stance we are taking is necessary for the reasons he outlined. I therefor do not have the dichotomy of emotions you have. AND I do not believe the "ends justifies the means" every time, but I believe it does sometimes...YMMV.
I truly am hopeful for Iraq's people. As the world keeps populating, we are going to have to find ways to live and work together as individuals and nations. The US is in a unique position (other than being the sole remaining superpower) in that much of our strength truly is from our diversity. We have found ways to live and work together already, people of differing ethnic, religious, racial backgrounds (although it ain't always painless or pretty). For most nations of the world, this is only an intellectual excercise as their populations are homogenous. My point being - this gives me hope. And because this is a democracy, WTFpeople can change our direction every November, if we get "inspired".