Don't think so, not in ksh88 anyway. Interactive key binding to ksh was added in ksh93. lists some resources.
From the FAQ:
Q4.\tHow is keybinding done?
A4.\tksh93 provides a KEYBD trap that gets executed whenever a key
\tis entered from the keyboard. Using this trap, and the associate
\tarray feature of ksh93, a keybind function can easily be written
\twhich will map any entered key sequence to another key sequence.
Is this what you're trying to accomplish?
Q6.\tDoes ksh support file name completion?
A6.\tYes, it does. The default key binding is <ESC><ESC>
\thowever, starting with the 'g' point release, <TAB> also works
\tfor completion. Note, the vi users need to set -o viraw
\tin order to get <TAB> completion to work.