It's the unfortunate dumbing-down and moral-decay of the World... not just the US.
I believe, that just like the Aztecs, we are going to have some very tragic results come by our way sometime...
The world as a living organism... will react agressively... to its infection... *HUMANS*...
GAIA (as I do see the world) exists and will survive long after we are gone...
Who knows, maybe we already are batteries... being grown, harvested, used and recycled. Sometimes it feels that way to me.
But, if you let it all bother you, you'll never get anything done... never progress to an understanding that'll help you cope/deal with these issues... I know I still have problems with this event.
The biggest problem as I see it is me-ism or only-me-ism. Nobody stops to help anymore, nobody says "Top O' the morning" to you anymore... there are significant things happening right now, that even the US GOV doesn't understand or know about... nor do any other gov't.
I guess, we have to fight the fights we can win... and let others fight the one we can't.