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New Win the real war, and the progaganda war will follow.
We've wised up to the game of trying to suck up to the world. Now, when people snipe at us, we blow them to hell. So some advice to reporters in a war zone: don't shoot at American troops.

Meanwhile, the formerly oppressed people living in Iraq love us, now that we're winning. Nothing succeeds like success.

The pen is only mightier than the sword when the pen is backed up by a gun. And when our pen is backed up by a tank, our pen is mightier than theirs.
Any idiot can die for what he believes in. Michael Kelly lived and died in service of the truth.
I support Iraqi troops when they shoot their Fedayeen minders.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Like they "love" us in Afghanistan?
They'll "love" us as long as our troops are supporting them.

Our puppet government in Afghanistan is failing.

That's a very strange definition of "love" you have.
New So...translation...
if you say bad things about us...we'll kill you?
New If you say then with bullets and rocket launchers, yes.
Where I come from, shooting from a hotel balcony is *not* free speech. Although a tank shell is a very effective rejoinder.

Any idiot can die for what he believes in. Michael Kelly lived and died in service of the truth.
I support Iraqi troops when they shoot their Fedayeen minders.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Fair enough...
anyone that shoots at American troops should consider themselves a target. I hadn't realized that the reporters themselves were doing the shooting.
New Who said they did?
I'd suppose that reporters were not the only occupants of the place. Maybe something resembling factoids will emerge, meanwhile


(I also wonder if the reflections from camera lenses in such windows ... but I digress. Not enough info.)
New As in "might makes right"?

It made Ketchup!
Sweet Ketchup!
Put it on a hot dog, put it on a burger,
Put it on your sister and she'll holler blody murder!
Sweet Ketchup.

--Tom Paxton.
New Re: As in "might makes right"?
In a word, yes.

It's increasingly clear that marlowe's Amerika--the conception of the country and its mission, I mean, that floats his boat--has little to do with some of the nobler (or, if you're feeling jaundiced this morning, by turns pious and pretentious) conceptions and ideals that have been held aloft times past to frame the national narrative. Sure, he pays occasional lip service to some of these (the USA as a beacon of liberty, enlightenment and progress, yada, yada), but never with anything like the warmth he brings to bear on the subject of the exercise of brute power as its own end. We can only guess at the exotic contours of marlowe's rich interior life, but breathless little credos like "The pen is only mightier than the sword when the pen is backed up by a gun. And when our pen is backed up by a tank, our pen is mightier than theirs" suggest a certain, ah, Viennese topography, don't you think? But apart from marlowe's private obsessions and insecurities I don't think it's necessary to go all the way back to Freud to understand him. Eric Hoffer nailed his type over and over again decades ago, as in "The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause" or "Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."

With so much of his sense of self-worth invested outside himself it is scarcely to be wondered at that marlowe resents questioning or scrutiny of the military machine onto which his identity is projected, and glories in the apparatus at work in its crudest, gaudiest and cruelest forms. It is possible to make too much of this (cf. Brandioch), but one is tempted to wonder which schoolyard persecutors, which unrequited love objects from our boy's childhood are summoned forth when he contemplates those insolent reporters and savors the just retribution visited thereupon.


"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Expand Edited by rcareaga April 8, 2003, 08:29:07 PM EDT
New And there is no fee for such exquisite psychoanalysis? :)
My favorite of Eric Hoffer is [link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060916125/ref=lib_dp_sp_1/103-1226964-8980662?v=glance&s=books&vi=slide-show#reader-link|True Believer]. Look at the table of contents pages.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New Oh, did I hurt your feelings?
Any idiot can die for what he believes in. Michael Kelly lived and died in service of the truth.
I support Iraqi troops when they shoot their Fedayeen minders.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Re: As in "fright makes might Hot"
Or even the esteemed Dr. Johnson,
Patriotism [def] The last refuge of a scoundrel.

A nicely concise study of sociopathy there, cohort. Alas such diagnoses are disregarded even when presented at $200/hr, by one's shrink. [..what does He know. Of my Greatness. Academic boob!]

I envision a khaki shirt, brown boot-length pants and a mob - much like the B&W pic I possess, of a group of boys with their *first* new clothes (the shirts are visibly shiny) ; assuredly their first-ever shiny new boots.

They are gathered around a giant swastika-emblazoned flag, somewhere with greenery, rocks about -- one of those 'hikes', I suppose. Mouth breathers all (some with mouths still quite open in the pose). Leading this bunch is a sl. older fellow with blonde hair, bespectacled - looking a bit like a young Himmler (he sports a tie; the others not) or an accountant, as seen in movies from there and then.

There are eight of them in this little group. (Why they even had their US counterparts, in the various Bund members and their private schools - galvanized by Hero Lindbergh, Father Coughlan and others home-grown.) Ribbentrop was The Social Lion, natch. So Masterful.. Many here loved the Law & Order and the progress of this regime; had no opinion about The Jewish Question, of course. You know how They are..

Me, I recall the "no Kikes allowed in this club" of my youth - just as I recall the above "youth". Only in Back to the Future, does the Murican-form of bully get his comeuppance: usually he's the CIEIO.. failing that, Evangelist?

Whence else, all that raw material for the PHBs? These do often photograph well, though, I grant - physiognomy re jaw-size can teach a lot re 'popularity'. (Add a dimple: {sigh} Who Could Resist ??)

Funny thing - much of the group could enjoy Schubert lieder, before while and after. Oh.. and sports. Well, we gots 500 channels of Tee Vee, all with flags. It'll have to do.

Plus les choses changent
     Al Jazeera bombed, reporter killed. - (Arkadiy) - (13)
         Win the real war, and the progaganda war will follow. - (marlowe) - (10)
             Like they "love" us in Afghanistan? - (Brandioch)
             So...translation... - (Simon_Jester) - (3)
                 If you say then with bullets and rocket launchers, yes. - (marlowe) - (2)
                     Fair enough... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                         Who said they did? - (Ashton)
             As in "might makes right"? -NT - (Arkadiy) - (4)
                 Re: As in "might makes right"? - (rcareaga) - (3)
                     And there is no fee for such exquisite psychoanalysis? :) - (a6l6e6x)
                     Oh, did I hurt your feelings? -NT - (marlowe)
                     Re: As in "fright makes might Hot" - (Ashton)
         NPR's Anne Garrels this morning. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             watched some footage this morning, muzzle flashes - (boxley)

Ultima ratio regum.
230 ms