[link|http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=406772003|Neither love of Saddam nor love of "country"]


It was only later that the man\ufffds story emerged. He told marine commanders how he had been forced at gunpoint by Fedayeen militia to stage a suicide attack against their base. Living alone, and with no family, they had deemed him a perfect choice to carry out their attack.

After dragging him from his home in the city, they drove him in a taxi to within a few hundred yards of the base. Pushing him out of the car, they kept their guns fixed on the old man as he tottered towards the checkpoint.

He later told how he would have been shot dead by the paramilitaries if he had refused. But at the last minute, instead of detonating the grenades, he decided to surrender to the marines.

The man, who only wants to be known by his first name, Abdullah, said last night after he was debriefed by intelligence officers: "The special operations team said I had three choices, they kill me, the British kill me, or I kill myself.

"I did not want to do the attack because I hate Saddam Hussein and his regime and the British I see as my friends. I am a Muslim and killing people is also against my religion, but they gave me no choice.