I'm delivering that SMACKDOWN you requested.
Nice quote.
Shall I quote it IN CONTEXT?
Recent Decisions of the Alaska Supreme Court
Fisheries regulation. The Court rejected yet another attack on the Alaska Board of Fisheries\ufffd regulation of the False Pass interception fishery. A claimant felt the Board\ufffds management approach did not adequately protect Norton Sound subsistence fisheries. The Court held that the Board had "considerable discretion" in its management decisions, and that the Board policy at issue was valid. Whether new federal fisheries managers will be so deferential is in serious doubt.
Marital Property. A marital dissolution decree distributes jointly owned property acquired during the marriage. The Alaska Supreme Court held in 1996 that NMFS quota shares issued during marriage are distributable marital property. Recently, the Court extended that rule to provide that quota shares and related IFQ\ufffds issued after dissolution based on the couple\ufffds joint fishing activity during the marriage may also be distributable marital property. A divorce decree that failed to apportion QS and IFQ\ufffds awarded after the dissolution may be reopened and the property settlement adjusted accordingly.
Maintenance and cure. A vessel crewman is usually entitled to payment by the vessel owner of medical expenses incurred in the treatment of medical conditions that "manifest themselves" in the course of his employment. Recently, the Alaska Supreme Court extended this rule to cover a non-symptomatic pre-existing condition discovered incidental to other treatment. The treating physician who discovered the 50 year old condition felt that it was potentially life-threatening, so he corrected it. Expensive complications resulted. Without explanation, the Court held that the discovery constituted manifestation, and required the vessel owner to pay the cost of treatment.
Expert witnesses. A recently-developed federal rule curbing the use of expert opinion at trial has been adopted for use in Alaska state courts. Application of this rule should improve the quality of jury trials. Historically, juries were largely left on their own to sort out expert testimony of doubtful quality. This approach led to silicone breast implant, Bendectin, and other fiascos. Now, federal and Alaska state court judges are to determine whether proposed expert testimony is well-grounded in scientific or other appropriate methodology before allowing its use at trial.
Forum selection clauses. Contracts commonly include clauses specifying the court or the city in which disputes arising from the contract must be litigated. Courts generally uphold these clauses, which can inflict prohibitive expense and inconvenience. Alaska fishermen hired by out-of-state interests commonly face employment contract clauses designating Seattle as the dispute forum. The Court held that a seaman\ufffds personal injury claim did not "arise under" his employment contract, so he was not required to pursue it in Seattle, the designated forum. Whether an Alaska fisherman would be compelled to litigate a wage claim in Seattle was not addressed.
So, if a CONTRACT states that ANY disputes be handled in a PARTICULAR STATE (which is rather common in contracts) then...
allow me to quote your ORIGINAL allegation.
[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=94714|All in favor of the environment unless it is Alaska dollars being held in alaska instead of filling seattle's coffers. Then the gloves come off and you pack the resource allocation councils in DC to make sure every dime is squeezed then flown to Seattle.]
So, a fishery business run by a non-Alaskan-based company, but operating in Alaska, specifies which state any contractual disputes will be handled in is evidence of Seattle packing the resource allocation councils in DC.
But, from the article you linked to (and partially quoted), the ruling court would seem to be....
"Recent Decisions of the Alaska Supreme Court"!!!SMACKDOWN!!!
ad seattle history to the list of things you dont know about
The Alaska Supreme Court is in Seattle?
I don't THINK so!
lumber Ketchikan Pulp of Tongass fame, a seattle company
gateway to the klondike and the alaskan goldrush wouldnt trade with any boat that supplied elsewhere.
Okay, another parsing issue.
Here's a few hints.
Sentences start with capital letters.
Sentences have subjects and verbs.
Well, I could go on, but is it really worth my time?
It appears that you have a partial sentence there, mixed in with another sentence.
It appears that you believe that the Ketchikan Pulp Company (KPC) would not [sell | buy] [to | from] ships that [sold | bought] [to | from] [competitors | miners | Eskimos].
Seattle freight forwarding has 80% of the fresh food coming to Alaska and threatened to shut down if it couldnt raise rates.
Monopolies suck. What's your point?
Seattle has made a lot of money extracting Alaskan resources and fighting to make sure no one else could do it.
You have not provided any support for that statement. Shipping freight is not the same as "extracting Alaskan resources".
Since you did not address any of the single points of the columnist's rant it is obvious that you would agree with her assessment of what a seattle concensus would be on each point.
Okay, I'll do that now.
From the original article.
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. -- General George Patton Jr.
(Seattleified: Arrive with me at a peaceful consensus or form an alternative decision-making committee to explore underrepresented options.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
War is hell. -- General William Tecumseh Sherman
(Seattleified: Armed conflict is a very, very, very negative thing.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. -- General Dwight D. Eisenhower, address to his troops on D-Day 1944
(Seattleified: While we support your efforts in general, our hopes and prayers are that you avoid unnecessary destruction of sea and plant life as you land on the fragile beaches at Normandy.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
Give me liberty or give me death. -- Patrick Henry
(Seattleified: Give non-aggression a chance.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. -- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
(Seattleified: We refuse to rewrite this offensive statement. It is a hate crime against the weak and timid.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
The best form of defense is attack. -- Karl von Clausewitz
(Seattleified: The most preferable form of defense is a sit-in, candle lighting, and survival kit with bottled water, Nutella, environmentally safe non-plastic sheeting and homemade cornstarch paste (a non-industrial alternative to duct tape).)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- Ronald W. Reagan
(Seattleified: Mr. Gorbachev, we will maintain a non-judgmental posture toward the Communist regime. P.S. Do you think Moscow would be interested in being our new sister city?)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. -- Sir Winston Churchill
(Seattleified: We have nothing to offer but tears, tears, tears, and tears.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
Never give in -- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. -- Churchill
(Seattleified: Always give in -- always, always, always, always . . . )
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time . . . Go home and get a nice quiet sleep. -- British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the Great Appeaser, after handing over Czechoslovakia to Hitler to avoid war
(Seattleified: Perfect! We wouldn't change a word.)
Hmmm, I can't find any reference beyond her for this comment being linked to Seattle.
There, a point by point counter to the article.
A SMACKDOWN liberally applied to yourself.