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New How does the assasination of Mosood (sp) fit in?
They 2nd? most powerful man in Afghanistan killed several hours before the U.S. attack.

New Did Bin Laden want to unite Afghanistan into a Holy War?
After the assasination he figured the U.S. would drop some bombs and help unite the Afghan people.

He tried to use us to promote his Jihad.

It appears he may be drawing persecution to himself instead, if indeed he master-minded/funded these horrific acts against humanity.
New Re: Taliban - Will they or won't they ???

Today Pakistan is said to be sending a team to Afghanistan to ask the Taliban to *expell* (not hand over) Bin Laden, within 3 days else expect the US to attack. Seeing as how Taliban can be likened to Pakistans teenage son of whom they are well pleased, this is interesting. Also seeing how Bin Laden is the one who really commands the loyalty of the toughest Taliban fighters, it is doubly interesting.

The Taliban are already saying that in line with Islamic & Afghan custom, the host will not expell the guest. It is up to Bin Laden to decide when and if to leave.

So the scene is set ....

If Bin Laden chooses not to leave, or he leaves but Taliban say they don't know where he is & if then US attacks with military force then the US has been openly sucked into a wider religious war.

If Bin Laden leaves openly then little has really changed, Taliban carry on as normal & the terrorist bases they say aren't there continue as before (prove it to us - they keep saying). The issue here would be where did he leave to, US would have to demand that country expell him or hand him over. Does it then become a mocking muslim game of musical chairs.

The stage seems to be set for some incredibly fancy foot work. After the arrest of the 5 terrorists in Macau this weekend,it seems clear that they were waiting in the wings ready to strike as soon as US goes after Taliban. We can assume that there are many other such terrorist groups also ready.

There is no doubt these bloody minded people want to create a wider war and have every intention of creating a western alliance vs Islam scenario. They will then justify in their peculiar logic that it is fair retaliation to kill & maim anyone (no matter what nationality or religion) who is associated with their targets. It is a bizzare chain of logic, but it can only lead to destruction & mayhem.

Doug Marker

New I've heard of the manhunt for 9 in Mexico
... but not the news you are reporting.

Do you think there is another attack planned if bombs are dropped in Afghanistan?
New Re: see SCMP post above

The documents found with the Macau 5 show the targets they were to attack once the US attacked Afghanistan. These people have their plans all worked out.

I still fear that Pakistan is not nearly as innocent as they would have us believe. Some Pakistanis in the govt might be pragmatic about good relations with the west, but too many country Pakis are of the same ilk as Bin Laden & would unhesitatingly attack western soldiers. The Pakistan Govt only agreed to US overflying Pakistan as they know it would be a political hot potatoe to allow US troops on Pakistan soil.

I still have confidence that US will not fall into the obvious trap laid.


     The Afghan Tribes want to be involved in search for Laden - (brettj) - (6)
         Well, they better hurry up - (tablizer) - (5)
             How does the assasination of Mosood (sp) fit in? - (brettj) - (4)
                 Did Bin Laden want to unite Afghanistan into a Holy War? - (brettj) - (3)
                     Re: Taliban - Will they or won't they ??? - (dmarker2) - (2)
                         I've heard of the manhunt for 9 in Mexico - (brettj) - (1)
                             Re: see SCMP post above - (dmarker2)

Yo yo yo yo yo y-y-y-y-yo.
73 ms