When we get around to doing linking conventions I would like it if you borrowed the linking conventions from PerlMonks rather than the IWETHEY ones. I may be biased because I use that site so much, but I think they are a really nice idea. Basically they all follow the pattern [protocol://stuff|name]. So you can type in [[link|http://z.IWETHEY.org|zIWETHEY]|http://z.IWETHEY.org|zIWETHEY]] and you will get [link|http://z.IWETHEY.org|zIWETHEY]. Or you can type in [google://hello world] and get out [link|http://www.google.com/search?q=hello%20world|hello world]. The same idea can easily be extended to emoticons, the Jargon File, and anything else we think appropriate.
The old IWETHEY tags never struck me as easier than just doing raw HTML. PerlMonks' system is...