It may well be argued, then, (as apparently this professor tries to argue) that only a billion Mogadishu's will cause the Murican populace to lose its infatuation with "video war" that, secretly, kills REAL PEOPLE
Actually he said "million" (I too have had problems with decimal places today), but if this was De Genova's subtext--that substantial American losses may be the only thing that will wean the Teeming Masses from their surreal thinking about warfare--then to that extent I am prepared to drop the modifying "utterly." However, given the numbers involved, his statement was vastly fatuous for the reasons cited above, and will serve not to set people thinking but, contrariwise, to stop thought processes in their tracks and provoke blind, unreasoning R-cortex fury among the TMs of our fair land. I fail to see what Prof. DG has accomplished apart from making of himself a handy real-life strawman for the war party.