The commander of the troops in Iraq went ballistic but was counter attacked by Tommy FRanks and Rumshyte.

Wallace stated

"The enemy we are actually fighting is *not* the enemy we war gamed against"

Franks severely criticized Wallace for speaking up & Rummy went in to defend Franks.


The grunts tell it like is is

The polititians tell it like it should be (a la Marlowesq)

Doug Marker

F*** the polies, & my admiration to the grunts trying to make the best of what the pollies dropped them in (hey Marlowe & Cybermace5 - just be bluntly honest and tell us your sentiments and 'feelings' on this - dare ya)

#2 Have tried to identify who this Wallace guy is and the only one I can pinpoint is Capt Andrew Wallace who is supposed to be giving briefing to the press - I heard this item on national radio & wondered about William Wallace name as IIRC that was the name of the Scottish nationalist in Braveheart.

Can anyone identify a commander Wallace in Iraq, someone who would speak to the press ?