...that have "verified" through both Kuwaiti and US officials in Kuwait and US in Washington...
They have matched up the tail section of the missile as being a piece of a Chinese made Silkworm Anti-Ship missile...
Iraq has used these in the past on everything BUT ships. No Silkworm Missiles have been used by "coalition" forces. What could be the explaination?
1.) Iraqi troops/forces fired this to harrass Kuwait.
2.) Iraqi Saddamn sympathizers fired this to make the Coalition forces look suspicious.
3.) Iraqi Opposition forces fired this at Iraqi Military targets and GROSSLY mis-aimed.
4.) Coalition forces fired this "planted" missile to make Iraq look bad.
5.) Someone just has it in for Kuwait.
I am predicting, a prediction is going to come up short... which one... dunno... but evidence is starting to mount one way.